Interior of the Church of St. Jaques at Dieppe; this admirable picture is one of Mr. Roberts's early works, as it is also one of his chef-d'oeuvres. It created a great feeling of admiration when first exhibited in the British Institution (David Roberts)
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Type : Peinture. (Wikidata : Q3305213)
- 1838.05.12/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme Interior of the Church of St. Jaques at Dieppe; this admirable picture is one of Mr. Roberts's early works, as it is also one of his chef-d'oeuvres. It created a great feeling of admiration when first exhibited in the British Institution réalisée par David Roberts, vendue par Rt Hon Lord Northwick au prix de 270 gs. [1]