Turn of a road in Cumberland; stage waggon and team labouring up a hill, the brow of which is surmounted by a rude country inn; on the left of the road purls a brook; a mountainous distance, purpled by the dawn of morning (Loutherbourg)
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Type : Peinture. (Wikidata : Q3305213)
- 1821.-.-/ maison de ventes : Bodicote (Henry F.). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme Turn of a road in Cumberland; stage waggon and team labouring up a hill, the brow of which is surmounted by a rude country inn; on the left of the road purls a brook; a mountainous distance, purpled by the dawn of morning réalisée par Loutherbourg, vendue par Henry Bodicote. [1]