Ventes d'œuvres le 1802.03.17

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  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape and Figures The fore-ground is occupied by a high way, in the middle of which, are two figures, a woman carrying a bundle on her head, and a man accompanying her. The next objects to the right, are two men fishing in a river which runs through the centre of the picture, and at a distance are rocks, finely spread with roots and briars. In the fore-ground, on the left of the picture, which is enriched by the stump of an old tree, and variegated shrubs; a rising ground partly conceals the high way that runs behind it, and discovers a countryman advancing, mounted on an ass. Then our attention is attracted by a cluster of trees beautifully formed, and finely contrasted with the warm and spirited sky (Swanefeldt)|A Landscape and Figures The fore-ground is occupied by a high way, in the middle of which, are two figures, a woman carrying a bundle on her head, and a man accompanying her. The next objects to the right, are two men fishing in a river which runs through the centre of the picture, and at a distance are rocks, finely spread with roots and briars. In the fore-ground, on the left of the picture, which is enriched by the stump of an old tree, and variegated shrubs; a rising ground partly conceals the high way that runs behind it, and discovers a countryman advancing, mounted on an ass. Then our attention is attracted by a cluster of trees beautifully formed, and finely contrasted with the warm and spirited sky]] réalisée par Swanefeldt, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 5.15 £. [1]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape, Romantic Scene Some trees of the finest form, are growing to the right of the picture, and on the left, some old firs, on this side of which is raised a stone fountain. The water falls into a large bason, which the chissel has also cut in the stone, and a man is there drawing water. In the centre of the picture, three others are on horseback. On the other side, we see some firs and other trees, with some goats dispersed here and there, and a high mountain well detached from a warm and transparent sky. The fore-ground is embellished with large stones, leaves, briars, and large trunks of trees that the wind has broken (Pynacker)|A Landscape, Romantic Scene Some trees of the finest form, are growing to the right of the picture, and on the left, some old firs, on this side of which is raised a stone fountain. The water falls into a large bason, which the chissel has also cut in the stone, and a man is there drawing water. In the centre of the picture, three others are on horseback. On the other side, we see some firs and other trees, with some goats dispersed here and there, and a high mountain well detached from a warm and transparent sky. The fore-ground is embellished with large stones, leaves, briars, and large trunks of trees that the wind has broken]] réalisée par Pynacker, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 3.5 £. [3]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A brisk Gale The sea in this picture, is seen violently agitated through the hazy atmosphere; in the centre of it, is a Dutch man of war, from which a gun has just been fired; a frigate, and some boats filled with sailors, occupy the right; and a fishing smack under sail, and another frigate, are indistinctly seen through the mist, on the left (Backhuysen)|A brisk Gale The sea in this picture, is seen violently agitated through the hazy atmosphere; in the centre of it, is a Dutch man of war, from which a gun has just been fired; a frigate, and some boats filled with sailors, occupy the right; and a fishing smack under sail, and another frigate, are indistinctly seen through the mist, on the left]] réalisée par Backhuysen, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 5.15 £. [4]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape and Figures The right of this, presents a view of an open country, from whence are seen returning to a village, a man and a woman with cows, goats and sheep; the woman carries a bundle in her hand, and the man a basket upon his back. On extending our view farther, we find old houses covered with straw; the first, an inn, is surrounded with trees, and the most considerable is on the left. Behind it, is also seen the steeple of the church; a woman is at work at the door of this house, towards which a young man seems running; and there is another standing between some trees, and looking upon the road. The fore-ground of the picture, is covered with moss, herbs and leaves, some green, others tinged with yellow (Isaac Ostade)|A Landscape and Figures The right of this, presents a view of an open country, from whence are seen returning to a village, a man and a woman with cows, goats and sheep; the woman carries a bundle in her hand, and the man a basket upon his back. On extending our view farther, we find old houses covered with straw; the first, an inn, is surrounded with trees, and the most considerable is on the left. Behind it, is also seen the steeple of the church; a woman is at work at the door of this house, towards which a young man seems running; and there is another standing between some trees, and looking upon the road. The fore-ground of the picture, is covered with moss, herbs and leaves, some green, others tinged with yellow]] réalisée par Isaac Ostade, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 8.8 £. [5]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Four Seasons, in 4 Pictures The first represents the spring, under the figure of a gardener, who is carrying in a pot of earth, an orange tree in flower; at a distance is seen a building in a parterre, where other gardeners are at work. The second offers us, summer under the figure of a reaper, who holds a scythe; and the distance, a field of corn, where numbers of men and women are gathering in the harvest. The third, to represent autumn, is a man near a few barrels, upon which are some grapes. He is crowned with vine leaves, a bottle of new wine in one hand, and a glass in the other: at a distance is a vineyard, where men are gathering grapes. The fourth, as winter, shews us an old man, suffering from cold in a country where the snow is falling. He is dressed in fur, leaning with one hand, upon his stick, and holding in the other, a foot stove. On one side are men skaiting; and at a distance, a village covered with snow (Teniers)|The Four Seasons, in 4 Pictures The first represents the spring, under the figure of a gardener, who is carrying in a pot of earth, an orange tree in flower; at a distance is seen a building in a parterre, where other gardeners are at work. The second offers us, summer under the figure of a reaper, who holds a scythe; and the distance, a field of corn, where numbers of men and women are gathering in the harvest. The third, to represent autumn, is a man near a few barrels, upon which are some grapes. He is crowned with vine leaves, a bottle of new wine in one hand, and a glass in the other: at a distance is a vineyard, where men are gathering grapes. The fourth, as winter, shews us an old man, suffering from cold in a country where the snow is falling. He is dressed in fur, leaning with one hand, upon his stick, and holding in the other, a foot stove. On one side are men skaiting; and at a distance, a village covered with snow]] réalisée par Teniers, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 17.6 £. [6]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Two Landscapes and Figures These two he painted in his youth, for his friend Mr. Dalton, keeper of his Britannic Majesty's pictures ... One represents a view in Italy, in the very height of summer. Near the centre is seen a cascade shedding it's water to the right and left; on one side, are some old trees, and two young women, one of whom is standing with a baket in the hand, whilst the other is seated with a child in her arms; on the right a man crosses the water with a herd of cows; and in the second ground, towards the centre, there is a house, near which some women, who have been washing, are hanging linen on lines to dry; buildings, and some other small figures, are also seen in the second ground. The other picture offers the view of another landscape, but in the depth of winter; the principal part is occupied by a river frozen over, upon which are seen several people, some skaiting, others walking, and a sledge drawn by mules. Upon a piece of ground, on the right, a tent is raised in form of an inn, with a sign and standard displayed; within, are people round a table, eating and drinking, and a fire, near which two women are standing, is on one side of the tent, and on the other, some old trees covered with snow, and near which a man is leading two oxen yoked. Again we distinguish on the second ground, to the left, some buildings and trees, and on the right, a village at a remote distance (Zuccarelli)|Two Landscapes and Figures These two he painted in his youth, for his friend Mr. Dalton, keeper of his Britannic Majesty's pictures ... One represents a view in Italy, in the very height of summer. Near the centre is seen a cascade shedding it's water to the right and left; on one side, are some old trees, and two young women, one of whom is standing with a baket in the hand, whilst the other is seated with a child in her arms; on the right a man crosses the water with a herd of cows; and in the second ground, towards the centre, there is a house, near which some women, who have been washing, are hanging linen on lines to dry; buildings, and some other small figures, are also seen in the second ground. The other picture offers the view of another landscape, but in the depth of winter; the principal part is occupied by a river frozen over, upon which are seen several people, some skaiting, others walking, and a sledge drawn by mules. Upon a piece of ground, on the right, a tent is raised in form of an inn, with a sign and standard displayed; within, are people round a table, eating and drinking, and a fire, near which two women are standing, is on one side of the tent, and on the other, some old trees covered with snow, and near which a man is leading two oxen yoked. Again we distinguish on the second ground, to the left, some buildings and trees, and on the right, a village at a remote distance]] réalisée par Zuccarelli, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 27.6 £. [7]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Two Sea Pieces small ... One of these, is a sea view, in a perfect calm, in which some frigates and other vessels, are finely contrasted with a brilliant silvery sky. The other represents a storm, where the restless billows are beating a ship against a rock, with destructive violence; a lowering sky adds to the horror of the scene (W. Vandervelde)|Two Sea Pieces small ... One of these, is a sea view, in a perfect calm, in which some frigates and other vessels, are finely contrasted with a brilliant silvery sky. The other represents a storm, where the restless billows are beating a ship against a rock, with destructive violence; a lowering sky adds to the horror of the scene]] réalisée par W. Vandervelde, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 18.18 £. [8]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A small upright Landscape This represents a view taken in the mountains of Switzerland ... To the right, at the bottom of the picture, are seen some large pieces of rock; and in the middle of the picture, water, part of which is hid from the sight by stones and bushes. On the left, is a man leading two mules, upon one of which a woman is seated. On one side of the second ground, is seen a rugged road, with a man carrying a sack, who is climbing up, and seems suspended between heaven an earth. On this second ground, which is of a considerable eminence, the eye enjoys the sight of some old firs, near which a man is leading some cattle to graze. The third ground offers another eminence, which commands this, and is twice as considerable. In the centre of the picture, between the first and second ground, is seen a man; and to the left, a cultivated country, with fine poplars, and a distance which gives pleasure to the eye (Pynacker)|A small upright Landscape This represents a view taken in the mountains of Switzerland ... To the right, at the bottom of the picture, are seen some large pieces of rock; and in the middle of the picture, water, part of which is hid from the sight by stones and bushes. On the left, is a man leading two mules, upon one of which a woman is seated. On one side of the second ground, is seen a rugged road, with a man carrying a sack, who is climbing up, and seems suspended between heaven an earth. On this second ground, which is of a considerable eminence, the eye enjoys the sight of some old firs, near which a man is leading some cattle to graze. The third ground offers another eminence, which commands this, and is twice as considerable. In the centre of the picture, between the first and second ground, is seen a man; and to the left, a cultivated country, with fine poplars, and a distance which gives pleasure to the eye]] réalisée par Pynacker, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 13.13 £. [9]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Venus and Adonis This small picture, which is octagon, presents us Venus and Adonis under a group of trees; it is the first time that the goddess, taken with the charms of the young shepherd, comes to him, and he answers her caresses, but with the timidity of his age; he sits holding Venus in one of his arms, and his crook in the other; the car of the goddess is on the left, where the loves are flying, and playing with the doves, whilst she is with Adonis. We have been assured that this picture comes from the collection of Cardinal Ottobonni (Albano)|Venus and Adonis This small picture, which is octagon, presents us Venus and Adonis under a group of trees; it is the first time that the goddess, taken with the charms of the young shepherd, comes to him, and he answers her caresses, but with the timidity of his age; he sits holding Venus in one of his arms, and his crook in the other; the car of the goddess is on the left, where the loves are flying, and playing with the doves, whilst she is with Adonis. We have been assured that this picture comes from the collection of Cardinal Ottobonni]] réalisée par Albano, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 5.15 £. [10]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Farrier's Shop The rich fore-ground of this picture is ornamented with a piece of water, and on the right is the farrier's shop; the forge is lighted, and one of the workmen is blowing the bellows. A little boy stands beside the farrier, who is himself busied in nailing on the shoe of a beautiful white horse, whose leg is held up by a young man. Some trees shoot up behind the farrier's house, the roof of which is decorated with shrubs -- a man is sitting on a hill towards the left, and in the centre are several other houses and the village church, whose steeple is masterly detached from a most fascinating sky (Berchem)|A Farrier's Shop The rich fore-ground of this picture is ornamented with a piece of water, and on the right is the farrier's shop; the forge is lighted, and one of the workmen is blowing the bellows. A little boy stands beside the farrier, who is himself busied in nailing on the shoe of a beautiful white horse, whose leg is held up by a young man. Some trees shoot up behind the farrier's house, the roof of which is decorated with shrubs -- a man is sitting on a hill towards the left, and in the centre are several other houses and the village church, whose steeple is masterly detached from a most fascinating sky]] réalisée par Berchem, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 9.19 £. [11]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Angel appearing at the Judgment Day The angel at the last day, a figure of natural size, is seen sounding the trumpet, which he holds in his left hand, and raising the right, to command the general resurrection; the lower part of his body, is bound with a light drapery, of a red colour, and which falls on his knees; his wings are extended, and in the immense space of the air, he flies round the world, to announce the orders of the All-powerful. This figure ... is drawn in ... fore-shortening (P. Veronese)|The Angel appearing at the Judgment Day The angel at the last day, a figure of natural size, is seen sounding the trumpet, which he holds in his left hand, and raising the right, to command the general resurrection; the lower part of his body, is bound with a light drapery, of a red colour, and which falls on his knees; his wings are extended, and in the immense space of the air, he flies round the world, to announce the orders of the All-powerful. This figure ... is drawn in ... fore-shortening]] réalisée par P. Veronese, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 7.7 £. [12]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[St. Joseph in his last Moments This picture represents St. Joseph in extreme old age, and at his last moments; he is in bed, listening with the greatest attention, to our Saviour who is seated near consoling and preparing him for eternity. The virgin is also there, afflicted and weeping at the approaching dissolution of her husband. Angels inhabit with them, that holy abode, from which all appearance of luxury is banished, and one of them is kneeling at the foot of the bed, whilst two others, with joined hands, and impressed with awe and respect, are standing behind him. On the right, a white cloth covers a table, on which some fruits are spread; and towards the top, a choir of angels are floating on a cloud, united in prayer (Stella)|St. Joseph in his last Moments This picture represents St. Joseph in extreme old age, and at his last moments; he is in bed, listening with the greatest attention, to our Saviour who is seated near consoling and preparing him for eternity. The virgin is also there, afflicted and weeping at the approaching dissolution of her husband. Angels inhabit with them, that holy abode, from which all appearance of luxury is banished, and one of them is kneeling at the foot of the bed, whilst two others, with joined hands, and impressed with awe and respect, are standing behind him. On the right, a white cloth covers a table, on which some fruits are spread; and towards the top, a choir of angels are floating on a cloud, united in prayer]] réalisée par Stella, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 14.14 £. [13]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape, Cattle and Figures The fore-ground of this picture, is occupied by a sheet of water; on it's banks, are a young shepherd and shepherdess -- she is dressed in blue and yellow, and is sitting on the trunk of a tree, her feet in the water, while she drinks out of a goblet she holds with both her hands; the young man is standing near her, dressed in red; a light brown cow is drawing towards them, apparently lowing. At a little distance, another cow, and some sheep are reclining on a mossy bank, while the scene is greatly heightened by a grey cow, in the natural action of rubbing herself against one of the trees, in the more retired part of the picture. The companion to this, is of equal beauty, but we have recently withdrawn it from the collection, to restore the same to the gentleman who had sold it in distress. He was one of those respectable emigrants (Adrian Vanderveldt)|A Landscape, Cattle and Figures The fore-ground of this picture, is occupied by a sheet of water; on it's banks, are a young shepherd and shepherdess -- she is dressed in blue and yellow, and is sitting on the trunk of a tree, her feet in the water, while she drinks out of a goblet she holds with both her hands; the young man is standing near her, dressed in red; a light brown cow is drawing towards them, apparently lowing. At a little distance, another cow, and some sheep are reclining on a mossy bank, while the scene is greatly heightened by a grey cow, in the natural action of rubbing herself against one of the trees, in the more retired part of the picture. The companion to this, is of equal beauty, but we have recently withdrawn it from the collection, to restore the same to the gentleman who had sold it in distress. He was one of those respectable emigrants]] réalisée par Adrian Vanderveldt, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 22.1 £. [14]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Damon and Musidora Musidora is seated in a landscape, in the front of the picture, clothed in a white drapery that falls down to her feet, and which she is arranging, while Damon concealed behind some trees, advances with slow steps, to surprize her. The figures are large as life ... this work is engraved (Opie)|Damon and Musidora Musidora is seated in a landscape, in the front of the picture, clothed in a white drapery that falls down to her feet, and which she is arranging, while Damon concealed behind some trees, advances with slow steps, to surprize her. The figures are large as life ... this work is engraved]] réalisée par Opie, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 32.11 £. [15]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape, Cattle, and Figures At the foot of a chain of rocks, from whence falls a cascade of water, is seen a man dressed in a red waistcoat, with a sheep's skin over it; he is standing with a long stick in his hand, and leaning on an ox, while his dog advances towards another ox which is drinking; to the right of the picture, an ass and a cow are lying down on the grass. The sky is light and transparent, and the fore-ground enriched with the trunks and branches of trees, roots, and briars (Berchem)|A Landscape, Cattle, and Figures At the foot of a chain of rocks, from whence falls a cascade of water, is seen a man dressed in a red waistcoat, with a sheep's skin over it; he is standing with a long stick in his hand, and leaning on an ox, while his dog advances towards another ox which is drinking; to the right of the picture, an ass and a cow are lying down on the grass. The sky is light and transparent, and the fore-ground enriched with the trunks and branches of trees, roots, and briars]] réalisée par Berchem, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 22.1 £. [16]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Seneca dictating his Will The composition presents thirteen figures, in attitudes equally moving and varied. We see in his last moments, in the arms of, and surrounded by his disciples, the greatest and most virtuous of men, whose veins have just been opened conformably to the cruel orders of Nero. He is dictating his last will, which one of his disciples, who is at his feet, is writing. Two others of his disciples, are supporting in their arms, the enfeebled body of the old man, who is only covered with a piece of drapery, whilst another supports his legs; the rest, are some opposite, others around him (Spagnoletto)|Seneca dictating his Will The composition presents thirteen figures, in attitudes equally moving and varied. We see in his last moments, in the arms of, and surrounded by his disciples, the greatest and most virtuous of men, whose veins have just been opened conformably to the cruel orders of Nero. He is dictating his last will, which one of his disciples, who is at his feet, is writing. Two others of his disciples, are supporting in their arms, the enfeebled body of the old man, who is only covered with a piece of drapery, whilst another supports his legs; the rest, are some opposite, others around him]] réalisée par Spagnoletto, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 16.5 £. [17]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape with Cattle small ... we see upon an eminence a red and white cow, lying down upon the grass, and near her another cow spotted black and white, standing; on the left, some palisades, entwined with briars; and upon he fore-ground, some large stones, and different leafage; the right of the picture, presents a piece of clear and silvery water, where a vapourous and transparent sky is reflected, and against which, some branches of the arbustus are detached; the left presents an edifice, and an agreeable distance (Cuyp)|A Landscape with Cattle small ... we see upon an eminence a red and white cow, lying down upon the grass, and near her another cow spotted black and white, standing; on the left, some palisades, entwined with briars; and upon he fore-ground, some large stones, and different leafage; the right of the picture, presents a piece of clear and silvery water, where a vapourous and transparent sky is reflected, and against which, some branches of the arbustus are detached; the left presents an edifice, and an agreeable distance]] réalisée par Cuyp, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 12.12 £. [18]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Superior of a Nunnery This is a superior of the Franciscan order, which was divided into three classes of nuns, the black, grey, and white; she is painted in full face, dressed in a black gown and veil, with a white lappet on her breast; a cord of discipline, is tied round her waist; and she holds in one of her hands, which are remarkably fine, the lower end of her veil. This picture is engraved (Vandyck)|The Superior of a Nunnery This is a superior of the Franciscan order, which was divided into three classes of nuns, the black, grey, and white; she is painted in full face, dressed in a black gown and veil, with a white lappet on her breast; a cord of discipline, is tied round her waist; and she holds in one of her hands, which are remarkably fine, the lower end of her veil. This picture is engraved]] réalisée par Vandyck, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 7.7 £. [19]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[An upright Landscape with Horses & Figures On the right of the picture, some children are bathing in a sheet of water, on the edge of which, a girl is washing some linen she has in a basket near her, while a man mounted on a white horse, is advancing in the centre, to water him; two other figures, and some sheep occupy the left. Some beautiful buildings, and trees of exquisite foliage, are seen more retired on the right and left, and the distant mountains are masterly detached from a lovely transparent sky (Wouvermans)|An upright Landscape with Horses & Figures On the right of the picture, some children are bathing in a sheet of water, on the edge of which, a girl is washing some linen she has in a basket near her, while a man mounted on a white horse, is advancing in the centre, to water him; two other figures, and some sheep occupy the left. Some beautiful buildings, and trees of exquisite foliage, are seen more retired on the right and left, and the distant mountains are masterly detached from a lovely transparent sky]] réalisée par Wouvermans, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 16.16 £. [20]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Jupiter and Antiope The picture represents Antiope in a landscape, extended and sleeping on a blue drapery, guarded by the gods of love and hymen, the latter falls asleep on Antiope, but cupid, cautious and vigilant, is watching and repulses Jupiter who is advancing under the form of a Satyr, to surprise Antiope (Albano)|Jupiter and Antiope The picture represents Antiope in a landscape, extended and sleeping on a blue drapery, guarded by the gods of love and hymen, the latter falls asleep on Antiope, but cupid, cautious and vigilant, is watching and repulses Jupiter who is advancing under the form of a Satyr, to surprise Antiope]] réalisée par Albano, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 18.18 £. [21]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape with a Magdalen The right of this picture is occupied by a mass of rocks, on whose summit, some straggling picturesque trees are beautifully detached from a silvery sky; -- amongst those rocks the Magdalen has secluded herself in penitence, and is praying before a cross, which is placed with a book, on a fragment of rock, before which she is kneeling, her hair loose and flowing, and her arms and feet bare ... Over the Magdalen, two angels are hovering on a cloud, shaded in tints of grey and silver; the sea, and another mass of rocks, are on the left of the picture, and in the distance some small barks under sail (Filippo Laura)|A Landscape with a Magdalen The right of this picture is occupied by a mass of rocks, on whose summit, some straggling picturesque trees are beautifully detached from a silvery sky; -- amongst those rocks the Magdalen has secluded herself in penitence, and is praying before a cross, which is placed with a book, on a fragment of rock, before which she is kneeling, her hair loose and flowing, and her arms and feet bare ... Over the Magdalen, two angels are hovering on a cloud, shaded in tints of grey and silver; the sea, and another mass of rocks, are on the left of the picture, and in the distance some small barks under sail]] réalisée par Filippo Laura, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 15.4 £. [22]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Sea Piece When the sea piece ... was brought from Holland, into this country, it was in a case, had an ebony frame, and was very dirty. The proprietor deposited it at Doctor Brag's, of Kensington ... This represents the sea extremely calm ... We see in this, two fishing boats, filled with a variety of figures, whilst a Dutch fisherman, in boots, is advancing on the shore. At a distance, a number of boats are moving off, while the right of the picture, shews us two frigates at anchor (De Vlieger)|A Sea Piece When the sea piece ... was brought from Holland, into this country, it was in a case, had an ebony frame, and was very dirty. The proprietor deposited it at Doctor Brag's, of Kensington ... This represents the sea extremely calm ... We see in this, two fishing boats, filled with a variety of figures, whilst a Dutch fisherman, in boots, is advancing on the shore. At a distance, a number of boats are moving off, while the right of the picture, shews us two frigates at anchor]] réalisée par De Vlieger, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 18.7 £. [23]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape and Figures In the centre of the picture, an old countryman plays on his bagpipes, as he walks, and behind him, two girls are carrying linen, which they appear to have been drying: to the right of the picture, another countryman, carrying his spade on his shoulder, is crossing a bridge; and more retired, a flock of sheep are grazing on a hillock. The landscape is enriched with trees, shrubs and flowers, and ... the declining rays of the yet vivifying sun, recal the lustre of it's meridian (Claude)|A Landscape and Figures In the centre of the picture, an old countryman plays on his bagpipes, as he walks, and behind him, two girls are carrying linen, which they appear to have been drying: to the right of the picture, another countryman, carrying his spade on his shoulder, is crossing a bridge; and more retired, a flock of sheep are grazing on a hillock. The landscape is enriched with trees, shrubs and flowers, and ... the declining rays of the yet vivifying sun, recal the lustre of it's meridian]] réalisée par Claude, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 29.8 £. [24]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[An upright Landscape in a mountainous country; the right and fore-ground are filled with trees; and in the centre, is a huntsman carrying some game and a fuzee on his shoulder. On the second ground we discover on a steep road, a peasant mounted on an ass, and leading a cow. There is also another entering the road, coming forward with some cattle, and the distance presents some high mountains (Pynacker)|An upright Landscape in a mountainous country; the right and fore-ground are filled with trees; and in the centre, is a huntsman carrying some game and a fuzee on his shoulder. On the second ground we discover on a steep road, a peasant mounted on an ass, and leading a cow. There is also another entering the road, coming forward with some cattle, and the distance presents some high mountains]] réalisée par Pynacker, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 19.8 £. [26]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[St. Francis prostrating himself before the Holy Family Near a pillar, on an elevation, in the centre of the picture, the Virgin dressed in red with a blue drapery, is siting and holding the Infant Jesus on her knee, on which he is standing, with one of his arms thrown round her neck; two angels are descending from heaven, bearing him a crown, and St. Joseph dressed in yellow, is standing on the right, leaning on his stick, whilst on the left of the picture, St. Francis and another young brother of his order, are rendering homage to the Infant Jesus (Vandyck)|St. Francis prostrating himself before the Holy Family Near a pillar, on an elevation, in the centre of the picture, the Virgin dressed in red with a blue drapery, is siting and holding the Infant Jesus on her knee, on which he is standing, with one of his arms thrown round her neck; two angels are descending from heaven, bearing him a crown, and St. Joseph dressed in yellow, is standing on the right, leaning on his stick, whilst on the left of the picture, St. Francis and another young brother of his order, are rendering homage to the Infant Jesus]] réalisée par Vandyck, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 11.0 £. [27]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape with Gleaners The right of the performance, is occupied by some trees, and a small farmhouse, at the door of which, a sportsman has just stopped, with his horse and dogs, and a young woman, accompanied by a child, is bringing him a bason of milk, which she has drawn from a cow that is near her; and on the other side, seated at the foot of a tree, a little boy is eating. On this side the farm, are some trees, on which is a pigeon-house; and in the fore-ground, a hen and chickens, which she assembles under her wings, frightened at the sight of the dogs, whilst the cock boldly prepares himself to defend them. Some gleaners, with the corn that they have collected, are on the left, and more retired, on the other side of a piece of water, are some reapers, in a field of corn; an even country forms the background, which continues 'till it is lost in the distance (Sir Fran. Bourgeois)|A Landscape with Gleaners The right of the performance, is occupied by some trees, and a small farmhouse, at the door of which, a sportsman has just stopped, with his horse and dogs, and a young woman, accompanied by a child, is bringing him a bason of milk, which she has drawn from a cow that is near her; and on the other side, seated at the foot of a tree, a little boy is eating. On this side the farm, are some trees, on which is a pigeon-house; and in the fore-ground, a hen and chickens, which she assembles under her wings, frightened at the sight of the dogs, whilst the cock boldly prepares himself to defend them. Some gleaners, with the corn that they have collected, are on the left, and more retired, on the other side of a piece of water, are some reapers, in a field of corn; an even country forms the background, which continues 'till it is lost in the distance]] réalisée par Sir Fran. Bourgeois, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 35.14 £. [29]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Magdalen in a Desart She is seen in the most solitary part of the landscape, reclining near some ruins, on a sand-bank partly covered with moss and a few scanty blades of grass; at the declivity of it is a stream of water; and the Magdalen wears a red drapery, which from her waist, falls in large folds down to her feet. She is leaning on a skull, and at her side is the cup of perfumes, with which she anointed the feet of our Saviour ... her ... eyes ... are bathed in tears, and fixed on heaven in sorrow and remorse (A. Carracci)|A Magdalen in a Desart She is seen in the most solitary part of the landscape, reclining near some ruins, on a sand-bank partly covered with moss and a few scanty blades of grass; at the declivity of it is a stream of water; and the Magdalen wears a red drapery, which from her waist, falls in large folds down to her feet. She is leaning on a skull, and at her side is the cup of perfumes, with which she anointed the feet of our Saviour ... her ... eyes ... are bathed in tears, and fixed on heaven in sorrow and remorse]] réalisée par A. Carracci, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 6.16 £. [30]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape with a Water Mill and Figures The right and left are occupied with groups of trees, of the finest forms and most exquisite leafage; and the fore-ground offers to our view, a river upon which are boats with figures. On the high road, which is on this side, we see a young man leading an ass, on which are a pack saddle and panniers; a little further are two young girls, one of whom is leaning her hand on the shoulder of her companion, seated on the bank of a river, conversing together; and on advancing more to the right, we find another group of figures, one of which is lying down, and appears asleep on a red cloak spread upon the grass, whilst a man and woman are drinking and caressing: near them two figures are seen, and a man who is looking through a spying glass. On the second ground, we see a hill covered with trees; at the foot of which is a water mill, with the house of the miller: on the third is a shepherd with a flock of sheep grazing; and at a distance, houses and mountains, which seem to unite themselves to a sky, whose transparency is perfectly in harmony with the rest of the picture, which, it will be allowed, is one of the best of Claude (Claude)|A Landscape with a Water Mill and Figures The right and left are occupied with groups of trees, of the finest forms and most exquisite leafage; and the fore-ground offers to our view, a river upon which are boats with figures. On the high road, which is on this side, we see a young man leading an ass, on which are a pack saddle and panniers; a little further are two young girls, one of whom is leaning her hand on the shoulder of her companion, seated on the bank of a river, conversing together; and on advancing more to the right, we find another group of figures, one of which is lying down, and appears asleep on a red cloak spread upon the grass, whilst a man and woman are drinking and caressing: near them two figures are seen, and a man who is looking through a spying glass. On the second ground, we see a hill covered with trees; at the foot of which is a water mill, with the house of the miller: on the third is a shepherd with a flock of sheep grazing; and at a distance, houses and mountains, which seem to unite themselves to a sky, whose transparency is perfectly in harmony with the rest of the picture, which, it will be allowed, is one of the best of Claude]] réalisée par Claude, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 67.4 £. [31]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[St. Francis Xaverius presented to the Holy Trinity This represents the Holy Trinity in refulgent beams of glory, surrounded by a choir of cherubins and angels; the Holy Ghost is there in the figure of a dove, glancing celestial rays on St. Francis Xaverius who, in the habit of his order, is kneeling on the left of the picture, his arms extended, and his head raised towards the Holy Trinity, to which the Virgin Mary, who is sitting at the right hand of our Saviour, appears to present him. At the bottom of the picture, are two angels, one offering up to heaven, the religiously inflamed heart of St. Francis Xaverius, whilst the other presents the Saint, with a branch of white lily, as a reward of his chastity (Velasquez)|St. Francis Xaverius presented to the Holy Trinity This represents the Holy Trinity in refulgent beams of glory, surrounded by a choir of cherubins and angels; the Holy Ghost is there in the figure of a dove, glancing celestial rays on St. Francis Xaverius who, in the habit of his order, is kneeling on the left of the picture, his arms extended, and his head raised towards the Holy Trinity, to which the Virgin Mary, who is sitting at the right hand of our Saviour, appears to present him. At the bottom of the picture, are two angels, one offering up to heaven, the religiously inflamed heart of St. Francis Xaverius, whilst the other presents the Saint, with a branch of white lily, as a reward of his chastity]] réalisée par Velasquez, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 25.4 £. [32]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Departure The composition is of eleven figures, and seven horses, represented in one of those large inn yards peculiar to Holland and Flanders; they are generally half exposed and half covered, sheltering a trough for the accomodation of the horses of those passengers who put up, at their inns ... On the left, three horses are attached to the manger, and near them the hostler of the inn is pointing out a quantity of hay, in the top of the range, to a gentleman standing by him, in a red cloak; nearer, a little boy is wheeling a barrow, into which he has put an infant. In the centre of the picture, a lady dressed in blue, and mounted on horseback, is on the point of setting out; she is stopping only for a gentleman who is putting on his spurs, whilst a groom holds his beautiful white horse; in that part of the yard, which is uncovered, a beggar, supported by crutches and a wooden leg, is waiting for them, and already extends his hat for charity. On the right side, a servant maid is getting water from a well, in one corner of the yard, near which two travellers, on horseback, are leaving the inn through a back gateway, opening to a superb landscape (Wouvermans)|A Departure The composition is of eleven figures, and seven horses, represented in one of those large inn yards peculiar to Holland and Flanders; they are generally half exposed and half covered, sheltering a trough for the accomodation of the horses of those passengers who put up, at their inns ... On the left, three horses are attached to the manger, and near them the hostler of the inn is pointing out a quantity of hay, in the top of the range, to a gentleman standing by him, in a red cloak; nearer, a little boy is wheeling a barrow, into which he has put an infant. In the centre of the picture, a lady dressed in blue, and mounted on horseback, is on the point of setting out; she is stopping only for a gentleman who is putting on his spurs, whilst a groom holds his beautiful white horse; in that part of the yard, which is uncovered, a beggar, supported by crutches and a wooden leg, is waiting for them, and already extends his hat for charity. On the right side, a servant maid is getting water from a well, in one corner of the yard, near which two travellers, on horseback, are leaving the inn through a back gateway, opening to a superb landscape]] réalisée par Wouvermans, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 31.10 £. [33]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape and Figures It is ... embellished with nine figures by Adrian Vandervelde. On the left is seen surrounded with fine trees, a brick house covered with tiles, and a barn made of bricks, thatched with straw, which a woman is approaching: on this side, two gentlemen (one of whom has a dog near him) are standing conversing together. Towards the centre are two capuchins, and at some distance, upon a hill covered with trees, are seen a woman and child, and some sheep. The right of the picture offers us the view of a river, upon the bank of which two men are walking; and at a distance, is distinguished a mountain detached from a warm and vapourish sky (Vanderheyden)|A Landscape and Figures It is ... embellished with nine figures by Adrian Vandervelde. On the left is seen surrounded with fine trees, a brick house covered with tiles, and a barn made of bricks, thatched with straw, which a woman is approaching: on this side, two gentlemen (one of whom has a dog near him) are standing conversing together. Towards the centre are two capuchins, and at some distance, upon a hill covered with trees, are seen a woman and child, and some sheep. The right of the picture offers us the view of a river, upon the bank of which two men are walking; and at a distance, is distinguished a mountain detached from a warm and vapourish sky]] réalisée par Vanderheyden, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 19.19 £. [34]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape with a Market Woman On the high road, is seen a woman going to market with her little boy, and her ass loaded with panniers filled with poultry and game. The ass wanting to rub it's back, has lain down on the ground, and overturned the panniers; the pigeons and fowls are flying away, and the road is covered with hares, ducks, and partridges ... she has thrown herself on her knees, to cover part of her poultry with her apron; but wanting also to recover her pigeons, she stretches in vain, one of her hands in the air, whilst her little boy extends his arms, and calls to them ... some good peasants who chanced to pass that way, with their horses, have stopped to raise the ass, at which a dog is barking. The one raises up the body, the other draws him by the tail, and a third is beating him with his stick ... whilst some children ... are running to come and enjoy the scene (Jan Miel)|A Landscape with a Market Woman On the high road, is seen a woman going to market with her little boy, and her ass loaded with panniers filled with poultry and game. The ass wanting to rub it's back, has lain down on the ground, and overturned the panniers; the pigeons and fowls are flying away, and the road is covered with hares, ducks, and partridges ... she has thrown herself on her knees, to cover part of her poultry with her apron; but wanting also to recover her pigeons, she stretches in vain, one of her hands in the air, whilst her little boy extends his arms, and calls to them ... some good peasants who chanced to pass that way, with their horses, have stopped to raise the ass, at which a dog is barking. The one raises up the body, the other draws him by the tail, and a third is beating him with his stick ... whilst some children ... are running to come and enjoy the scene]] réalisée par Jan Miel, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 6.16 £. [36]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Spy brought before Lewis XIV. The King's tent is raised near some trees, on the left; he is just coming from it, surrounded with the body of courtiers, who used to follow him to the army; by officers on foot and horseback, by his pages and guards, one of whom is reading the letter found upon the spy who is brought before him, surrounded by a guard of armed soldiers, his hands tied behind him, and his countenance expressive of the certain fate awaiting him; he is followed by a croud of men and officers on horseback, who occupy the right of the picture. A regiment of cavalry is in the more retired part, and the back-ground is formed by the besieged town (Vandermeulen)|A Spy brought before Lewis XIV. The King's tent is raised near some trees, on the left; he is just coming from it, surrounded with the body of courtiers, who used to follow him to the army; by officers on foot and horseback, by his pages and guards, one of whom is reading the letter found upon the spy who is brought before him, surrounded by a guard of armed soldiers, his hands tied behind him, and his countenance expressive of the certain fate awaiting him; he is followed by a croud of men and officers on horseback, who occupy the right of the picture. A regiment of cavalry is in the more retired part, and the back-ground is formed by the besieged town]] réalisée par Vandermeulen, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 22.1 £. [37]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape with a Rainbow The centre of the picture, presents a little hill covered with verdure. Upon the summit are some sheep, and a young man extended on the ground, with his dog by him; a young girl is standing at his side, one of her petticoats thrown over her head, to guard her from the wind. The agitation of the trees, with which the left of the picture is embellished, indicates it's blowing with great violence -- they are both attentively examining a rainbow just formed in the sky. The right presents a river, on the side of which, is discovered an old castle; and the fore-ground is enriched with various leafage and trunks of trees (Sir Fran. Bourgeois)|A Landscape with a Rainbow The centre of the picture, presents a little hill covered with verdure. Upon the summit are some sheep, and a young man extended on the ground, with his dog by him; a young girl is standing at his side, one of her petticoats thrown over her head, to guard her from the wind. The agitation of the trees, with which the left of the picture is embellished, indicates it's blowing with great violence -- they are both attentively examining a rainbow just formed in the sky. The right presents a river, on the side of which, is discovered an old castle; and the fore-ground is enriched with various leafage and trunks of trees]] réalisée par Sir Fran. Bourgeois, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 32.11 £. [38]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Horses Watering The picture presents a landscape with the declining sun. To the left, on the side of a group of trees, is a pump, where a young peasant comes to water two horses, just returned from work, and unharnessed; his dog is near him. The fore-ground, towards the centre, offers a brook, and to the right a tree lying down. On the second ground, is seen a piece of water, and a little hill crowned with trees, where some sheep are feeding -- a man, who is standing in a little cart, drawn by a horse, is coming with some cows going on before him. We distinguish also, a kiln burning, and some edifices almost lost to the sight, from the great distance (Sir Fran. Bourgeois)|Horses Watering The picture presents a landscape with the declining sun. To the left, on the side of a group of trees, is a pump, where a young peasant comes to water two horses, just returned from work, and unharnessed; his dog is near him. The fore-ground, towards the centre, offers a brook, and to the right a tree lying down. On the second ground, is seen a piece of water, and a little hill crowned with trees, where some sheep are feeding -- a man, who is standing in a little cart, drawn by a horse, is coming with some cows going on before him. We distinguish also, a kiln burning, and some edifices almost lost to the sight, from the great distance]] réalisée par Sir Fran. Bourgeois, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 31.10 £. [39]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Isaac blessing Jacob In the interior of a room, lighted by a window, on the right, is a superb bed hung with purple silk curtains, and covered with a green embroidered counterpane, in which Isaac, blind through age, and naked, according to the oriental manner, is sitting, giving his blessing to Jacob, who is kneeling before him, his hands joined and raised towards his father. Rebecca is sitting in an arm chair, at the head of the bed, enjoining Jacob by her motions, to be silent. On the other side, a table is laid out with the repast of Isaac, consisting of bread and game; near it, is an antique vase holding two other vessels; and at the chamber door, Esau is just returning from the chase with game ... some copies of it, have been made (Van Harp)|Isaac blessing Jacob In the interior of a room, lighted by a window, on the right, is a superb bed hung with purple silk curtains, and covered with a green embroidered counterpane, in which Isaac, blind through age, and naked, according to the oriental manner, is sitting, giving his blessing to Jacob, who is kneeling before him, his hands joined and raised towards his father. Rebecca is sitting in an arm chair, at the head of the bed, enjoining Jacob by her motions, to be silent. On the other side, a table is laid out with the repast of Isaac, consisting of bread and game; near it, is an antique vase holding two other vessels; and at the chamber door, Esau is just returning from the chase with game ... some copies of it, have been made]] réalisée par Van Harp, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 13.2 £. [41]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Dutch Woman eating Soup This ... picture represents the interior of a room occupied by a bed and various kitchen utensils; an old Dutch woman, in her winter dress, mounted with a ruff, and in a white stuff bonnet, is sitting opposite to a fire, and eating soup out of a brown earthen porridge pot ... It is ... one of the early pictures of Gerard Douw (G. Douw)|A Dutch Woman eating Soup This ... picture represents the interior of a room occupied by a bed and various kitchen utensils; an old Dutch woman, in her winter dress, mounted with a ruff, and in a white stuff bonnet, is sitting opposite to a fire, and eating soup out of a brown earthen porridge pot ... It is ... one of the early pictures of Gerard Douw]] réalisée par G. Douw, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 33.2 £. [42]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape and Figures It represents a country in Spain, enriched with trees and a stone building, detached from a very silvery sky. On the right, in the fore-ground, is a large well, with a trough at a small distance, to water the cattle, and on one side of the well, are two women, one of whom holds a bucket, and shews the handle of it to a countryman who is at the opposite side, with a long pole and a hook, as if desiring him to let down the bucket, and bring water for her. On the left, in the second ground, a shepherdess and her dog are following a flock of sheep advancing towards the well, and on the third, near the building half in ruins, are seen a man and woman conversing together (Murillo)|A Landscape and Figures It represents a country in Spain, enriched with trees and a stone building, detached from a very silvery sky. On the right, in the fore-ground, is a large well, with a trough at a small distance, to water the cattle, and on one side of the well, are two women, one of whom holds a bucket, and shews the handle of it to a countryman who is at the opposite side, with a long pole and a hook, as if desiring him to let down the bucket, and bring water for her. On the left, in the second ground, a shepherdess and her dog are following a flock of sheep advancing towards the well, and on the third, near the building half in ruins, are seen a man and woman conversing together]] réalisée par Murillo, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 9.19 £. [43]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Entombing of Our Saviour The present work was done ... in the style of Paul Veronese ... Our Saviour, borne by Joseph of Arimathea, is laid on the lap of the virgin, who has swooned away, and falled into the arms of the faithful disciple John, and of one of the holy women near him. Mary Magdalen has thrown herself at the feet of Christ, which she embraces with a mixture of grief and respectful tenderness, while the other Mary appears dissolved in tears (Teniers)|The Entombing of Our Saviour The present work was done ... in the style of Paul Veronese ... Our Saviour, borne by Joseph of Arimathea, is laid on the lap of the virgin, who has swooned away, and falled into the arms of the faithful disciple John, and of one of the holy women near him. Mary Magdalen has thrown herself at the feet of Christ, which she embraces with a mixture of grief and respectful tenderness, while the other Mary appears dissolved in tears]] réalisée par Teniers, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 26.5 £. [44]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape with Cattle and Figures The centre of this picture, presents an Italian country house, partly concealed by a range of poplars in full verdure. On this side of it, are scattered statues and beautiful fragments of columns, and near them is a cottager with her five children. The eldest boy has climbed to the top of a marble pedestal, on which he has taken his seat, and the girl who appears to be about twelve years old, and dressed in a red corset, with a sleeping infant in her arms, has likewise seated herself on the ground. The mother dressed in blue, is standing between her two little boys, her hand on the head of one whom she seems to be reproving. At a distance from her, but also in the front, are cows, an ass and sheep, of which some are grazing and others lying on the ground (Karel du Jardin)|A Landscape with Cattle and Figures The centre of this picture, presents an Italian country house, partly concealed by a range of poplars in full verdure. On this side of it, are scattered statues and beautiful fragments of columns, and near them is a cottager with her five children. The eldest boy has climbed to the top of a marble pedestal, on which he has taken his seat, and the girl who appears to be about twelve years old, and dressed in a red corset, with a sleeping infant in her arms, has likewise seated herself on the ground. The mother dressed in blue, is standing between her two little boys, her hand on the head of one whom she seems to be reproving. At a distance from her, but also in the front, are cows, an ass and sheep, of which some are grazing and others lying on the ground]] réalisée par Karel du Jardin, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 18.18 £. [45]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Sketch of an Altar Piece In the centre of a fine piece of architecture, the virgin descends on a cloud, carrying the infant Jesus; on her right, is the defender of the celestial throne, the angel Michael who fought and vanquished Satan; and on her left, Gabriel the angel of peace; we see also, at her feet, St. Catharine, whose sword and palm of martyrdom, are placed by her side, on the cloud. This celestial group appears to the Pope St. Gregory, who is on his knees, dressed in his richest pontifical habits; St. Lawrence, whose hands are joined in prayer, and is in the habit of a deacon; and to St. Francis, whom we know by his extreme leanness, his humility, and by the simple and coarse vestment of his order; he is standing, and has just laid down his crucifix, to do homage to the infant Jesus (Tiepolo)|Sketch of an Altar Piece In the centre of a fine piece of architecture, the virgin descends on a cloud, carrying the infant Jesus; on her right, is the defender of the celestial throne, the angel Michael who fought and vanquished Satan; and on her left, Gabriel the angel of peace; we see also, at her feet, St. Catharine, whose sword and palm of martyrdom, are placed by her side, on the cloud. This celestial group appears to the Pope St. Gregory, who is on his knees, dressed in his richest pontifical habits; St. Lawrence, whose hands are joined in prayer, and is in the habit of a deacon; and to St. Francis, whom we know by his extreme leanness, his humility, and by the simple and coarse vestment of his order; he is standing, and has just laid down his crucifix, to do homage to the infant Jesus]] réalisée par Tiepolo, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]], achetée par Bullock au prix de 13.2 £. [46]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Cattle and Figures in a Landscape upright ... On the left, are seen part of a cottage and a group of trees, at the foot of which a young woman is lying down with a child in her arms; not far from her, and in the centre, a young man dressed in a red jacket, is seen extended on the ground, and a little farther, are some cows and sheep. On the left, is the trunk of a tree with a few branches; beyond which an immense distance attracts the eye, as well as a transparent sky, in which a mass of light, pearly and silvery clouds are calmly rolling (Berchem)|Cattle and Figures in a Landscape upright ... On the left, are seen part of a cottage and a group of trees, at the foot of which a young woman is lying down with a child in her arms; not far from her, and in the centre, a young man dressed in a red jacket, is seen extended on the ground, and a little farther, are some cows and sheep. On the left, is the trunk of a tree with a few branches; beyond which an immense distance attracts the eye, as well as a transparent sky, in which a mass of light, pearly and silvery clouds are calmly rolling]] réalisée par Berchem, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 80.17 £. [48]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape with Fishermen This offers us a composition of seventeen figures, and upon the foreground a large river which loses itself in the distance, where we distinguish a bridge over it, and a town to the left. The river is covered with small vessels, boats of fishermen, and a ferry boat; also to the left, upon a piece of ground which advances some way in the river, are trees of the finest forms, and of the brightest leafage; whilst to the right, on the fore-ground, the picture is embellished with fishermen and women coming with baskets, to carry away the fish. On the other side of the river, to the right, is a chain of mountains, on the summit of which we discover a piece of architecture, and from the centre of those mountains, gushes a cascade ... Towards the centre of the picture, the setting sun is seen reflecting it's last rays on the limpid flood (Vernet)|A Landscape with Fishermen This offers us a composition of seventeen figures, and upon the foreground a large river which loses itself in the distance, where we distinguish a bridge over it, and a town to the left. The river is covered with small vessels, boats of fishermen, and a ferry boat; also to the left, upon a piece of ground which advances some way in the river, are trees of the finest forms, and of the brightest leafage; whilst to the right, on the fore-ground, the picture is embellished with fishermen and women coming with baskets, to carry away the fish. On the other side of the river, to the right, is a chain of mountains, on the summit of which we discover a piece of architecture, and from the centre of those mountains, gushes a cascade ... Towards the centre of the picture, the setting sun is seen reflecting it's last rays on the limpid flood]] réalisée par Vernet, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 105.0 £. [49]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Interior of a Church in Holland ... the bottom of the church, presents a numerous congregation attentive to a sermon ... We see, on the left, towards the centre of the picture, the preacher in his pulpit, surrounded by a numerous audience of both sexes. The women are ranged on one side, and the men on the other, having their hats on. At some distance from the pulpit, by the large pillar, are two churchwardens in their pew -- the beadle dressed after the old Spanish manner, is standing near. On the right, are benches fronting the pulpit, filled also with figures. Towards the centre, are two youths coming forward; and at the entrance of the church, a mother and a daughter, who coming late, seem hastening to join the congregation ... the young people are dressed in different colours, and the men and women in black (De Witt)|The Interior of a Church in Holland ... the bottom of the church, presents a numerous congregation attentive to a sermon ... We see, on the left, towards the centre of the picture, the preacher in his pulpit, surrounded by a numerous audience of both sexes. The women are ranged on one side, and the men on the other, having their hats on. At some distance from the pulpit, by the large pillar, are two churchwardens in their pew -- the beadle dressed after the old Spanish manner, is standing near. On the right, are benches fronting the pulpit, filled also with figures. Towards the centre, are two youths coming forward; and at the entrance of the church, a mother and a daughter, who coming late, seem hastening to join the congregation ... the young people are dressed in different colours, and the men and women in black]] réalisée par De Witt, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 15.15 £. [50]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Battle between the Russians and Turks This chef d'oeuvre of art, is too well known to need any description; it was painted for Catherine the Second, Empress of Russia, to whom it was not sent for reasons unknown to us. We made the purchase of it, about twenty years ago (Loutherbourg)|A Battle between the Russians and Turks This chef d'oeuvre of art, is too well known to need any description; it was painted for Catherine the Second, Empress of Russia, to whom it was not sent for reasons unknown to us. We made the purchase of it, about twenty years ago]] réalisée par Loutherbourg, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 73.10 £. [51]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Mr. Kemble in the Character of Macbeth it is the work now before us, which even previous to it's being quite finished, laid the foundation of the high reputation he has acquired; for during the time he was painting it, crowds of people were continually going to see it. Such was the friendship of Sir Chas. Hotham, for Mr. Kemble, that he wished to have his portrait ... in one of his characters -- Sir Charles gave the preference to the one of Macbeth ... and Mr. Kemble sat to him, several times. This scene is so universally known, that it would be ridiculous to describe it (Stuart)|Mr. Kemble in the Character of Macbeth it is the work now before us, which even previous to it's being quite finished, laid the foundation of the high reputation he has acquired; for during the time he was painting it, crowds of people were continually going to see it. Such was the friendship of Sir Chas. Hotham, for Mr. Kemble, that he wished to have his portrait ... in one of his characters -- Sir Charles gave the preference to the one of Macbeth ... and Mr. Kemble sat to him, several times. This scene is so universally known, that it would be ridiculous to describe it]] réalisée par Stuart, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 5.15 £. [52]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape and Figures A Dutch gentleman and his lady, attended by a page, are taking a walk, and on the declivity of a hill crowned with trees, a beggar is asking charity. He is seated with his dog, and barefooted, with a red cap on his head, and his hat extended. A cart, filled with people, appears to be driving towards a distant village, the steeple of which, is seen finely detached from a sky lowering with rain (Isaac Ostade)|A Landscape and Figures A Dutch gentleman and his lady, attended by a page, are taking a walk, and on the declivity of a hill crowned with trees, a beggar is asking charity. He is seated with his dog, and barefooted, with a red cap on his head, and his hat extended. A cart, filled with people, appears to be driving towards a distant village, the steeple of which, is seen finely detached from a sky lowering with rain]] réalisée par Isaac Ostade, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 14.3 £. [53]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Tribute Money The composition of this picture, is of seven figures as large as life. On the sea-shore which is scattered with shells, the disciples are standing, except Peter, who is seen in profile, in the fore-part of the picture; he seems to have just drawn the net, and continues on his knee, on the ground, his head turned to look at the piece of money which one of the disciples has just taken out of the fish he holds in his left hand. The blue drapery in which this last is clad, has partly fallen from his shoulders, so that part of his body is uncovered; behind him a young woman dressed in red, carrying a basket of fish, on her head, stops through curiosity. In the mean time the other disciples are eagerly pressing forward, to examine the coin, and manifest equal admiration and surprize at the new miracle wrought by our Saviour. We plainly recognize the portrait of Rubens in the second figure, on the right hand, but ... we frankly confess that we do not consider it as entirely the production of Rubens's pencil (Rubens)|The Tribute Money The composition of this picture, is of seven figures as large as life. On the sea-shore which is scattered with shells, the disciples are standing, except Peter, who is seen in profile, in the fore-part of the picture; he seems to have just drawn the net, and continues on his knee, on the ground, his head turned to look at the piece of money which one of the disciples has just taken out of the fish he holds in his left hand. The blue drapery in which this last is clad, has partly fallen from his shoulders, so that part of his body is uncovered; behind him a young woman dressed in red, carrying a basket of fish, on her head, stops through curiosity. In the mean time the other disciples are eagerly pressing forward, to examine the coin, and manifest equal admiration and surprize at the new miracle wrought by our Saviour. We plainly recognize the portrait of Rubens in the second figure, on the right hand, but ... we frankly confess that we do not consider it as entirely the production of Rubens's pencil]] réalisée par Rubens, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 65.2 £. [54]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape, Cattle and Figures The composition of this picture, presents a meadow, in which are five cows and a calf, two goats and three sheep, and almost all these animals are of colours happily varied ... the clouds ... are light and of the finest form. To the right is a farm-house between two fine groups of trees, near which is a woman dressed in a red corset and blue petticoat, milking a beautiful cow spotted with yellow and white; and on the second ground, there is another standing, near which two sheep are lying down (Paul Potter)|A Landscape, Cattle and Figures The composition of this picture, presents a meadow, in which are five cows and a calf, two goats and three sheep, and almost all these animals are of colours happily varied ... the clouds ... are light and of the finest form. To the right is a farm-house between two fine groups of trees, near which is a woman dressed in a red corset and blue petticoat, milking a beautiful cow spotted with yellow and white; and on the second ground, there is another standing, near which two sheep are lying down]] réalisée par Paul Potter, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 21.0 £. [55]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Sea Port The picture represents a vast extent of sea in a perfect calm ... On the left, are seen men on horseback, and a cart drawn by oxen, whilst the shore is partly covered with camels, Turks and other foreigners, with bales of merchandize, &c. (Weenix)|A Sea Port The picture represents a vast extent of sea in a perfect calm ... On the left, are seen men on horseback, and a cart drawn by oxen, whilst the shore is partly covered with camels, Turks and other foreigners, with bales of merchandize, &c.]] réalisée par Weenix, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 29.8 £. [56]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[St. Martin relieving the Poor This picture was imported into this country about forty years ago, by Mr. Blackwood, of Soho-square, together with a Holy Family, a St. Francis, and the Infant Jesus asleep, all by Murillo. They were purchased by Sir Lawrence Dundas, who placed two of them in his town-house, and sent the two others to Moor Park. After his decease, the Earl of Ashburnham bought the St. Francis, Mr. Agar the Infant Jesus, Mr. Thelluson the Holy Family, and the St. Martin came into this collection (Murillo)|St. Martin relieving the Poor This picture was imported into this country about forty years ago, by Mr. Blackwood, of Soho-square, together with a Holy Family, a St. Francis, and the Infant Jesus asleep, all by Murillo. They were purchased by Sir Lawrence Dundas, who placed two of them in his town-house, and sent the two others to Moor Park. After his decease, the Earl of Ashburnham bought the St. Francis, Mr. Agar the Infant Jesus, Mr. Thelluson the Holy Family, and the St. Martin came into this collection]] réalisée par Murillo, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 26.5 £. [57]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape with Figures Merry-making This is the celebrated work ... known, under the name of the Column, given to it on account of that column being a prominent object in the picture. It is erected, to shew the boundary of the territory of Antwerp, bordering on that of Ghent, having separate jurisdictions; the letter SPQA are engraven on the column. Twenty-two figures form the composition, four of whom are placed forwards, near the monument, which is to the left. More retired there is a group near a thatched cottage, and the body of the picture is made up by figures which are dancing and otherwise amusing themselves. The back-ground is filled up by other small figures. A village church, some cottages and trees are finely detached from an enchanting sky. This was formerly in the collection of Duke de Valentinois (Teniers)|A Landscape with Figures Merry-making This is the celebrated work ... known, under the name of the Column, given to it on account of that column being a prominent object in the picture. It is erected, to shew the boundary of the territory of Antwerp, bordering on that of Ghent, having separate jurisdictions; the letter SPQA are engraven on the column. Twenty-two figures form the composition, four of whom are placed forwards, near the monument, which is to the left. More retired there is a group near a thatched cottage, and the body of the picture is made up by figures which are dancing and otherwise amusing themselves. The back-ground is filled up by other small figures. A village church, some cottages and trees are finely detached from an enchanting sky. This was formerly in the collection of Duke de Valentinois]] réalisée par Teniers, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 168.0 £. [58]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Alexander and Diogenes This is a composition of eighteen small figures. Part of the picture is occupied by a fine piece of architecture, through which we look into the country; Alexander, with his attendants, accosts Diogenes, who is seated near his tub. In the front is a young man holding a white horse, whilst two slaves carrying presents destined for Diogenes, are advancing (N. Poussin)|Alexander and Diogenes This is a composition of eighteen small figures. Part of the picture is occupied by a fine piece of architecture, through which we look into the country; Alexander, with his attendants, accosts Diogenes, who is seated near his tub. In the front is a young man holding a white horse, whilst two slaves carrying presents destined for Diogenes, are advancing]] réalisée par N. Poussin, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 3.3 £. [59]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Arrival of Edward the Vth. into London The composition offers us five figures, large as life. -- The young Monarch, just arrived in London, is receiving the Duke of York, his brother, an infant of seven years old -- they are both in the front of the picture embracing. Behind the King is the Duke of Glocester, his uncle,* footnote: It is the portrait of Mr. Kemble, who sat for it to the Artist in armour, and who is leaning on the throne; the faithful Lord Hastings, the Chamberlain, is near him: and to the right, we see the good and honest, but too weak and credulous Cardinal Bourchier, extending his hands to bless these young Princes, of whose ruin he became the cause As Mr. Northcote had painted this subject and the preceding, with much success, for the gallery of Messrs. Boydell, we requested him to repeat the subjects for this collection, which he has done, with alterations (Northcote)|The Arrival of Edward the Vth. into London The composition offers us five figures, large as life. -- The young Monarch, just arrived in London, is receiving the Duke of York, his brother, an infant of seven years old -- they are both in the front of the picture embracing. Behind the King is the Duke of Glocester, his uncle,* footnote: It is the portrait of Mr. Kemble, who sat for it to the Artist in armour, and who is leaning on the throne; the faithful Lord Hastings, the Chamberlain, is near him: and to the right, we see the good and honest, but too weak and credulous Cardinal Bourchier, extending his hands to bless these young Princes, of whose ruin he became the cause As Mr. Northcote had painted this subject and the preceding, with much success, for the gallery of Messrs. Boydell, we requested him to repeat the subjects for this collection, which he has done, with alterations]] réalisée par Northcote, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]], achetée par Zachary au prix de 40.19 £. [60]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Assassins coming to surprise Edward Vth. and the Duke of York As Mr. Northcote had painted this subject and the preceding, with much success, for the gallery of Messrs. Boydell, we requested him to repeat the subjects for this collection, which he has done, with alterations. The composition of this, presents but four figures. We see in the front of the picture, the young unfortunate princes asleep in their beds, and the murderers (one of whom carries a lamp) advancing to smother them with pillows (Northcote)|The Assassins coming to surprise Edward Vth. and the Duke of York As Mr. Northcote had painted this subject and the preceding, with much success, for the gallery of Messrs. Boydell, we requested him to repeat the subjects for this collection, which he has done, with alterations. The composition of this, presents but four figures. We see in the front of the picture, the young unfortunate princes asleep in their beds, and the murderers (one of whom carries a lamp) advancing to smother them with pillows]] réalisée par Northcote, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 43.1 £. [61]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape, Cattle and Figures, View from Nature the drawing of this picture was but a few years ago, in the possession of a merchant at Amsterdam, where a friend of our's saw it ... We see in this, detached from a warm, silvery and transparent sky, a small house covered with thatch, built on an eminence, and surrounded with trees; a gentleman is near, wrapped in a cloak, and mounted on a fine horse; his servant who rides a white one, upon which is a red saddle, is dismounted, and giving him to eat, out of a basket. On this side, is a man dressed in brown and blue, with a red bonnet on his head; he appears fatigued and reposes himself extended on the ground; a little farther, to the left, a cascade is seen, and on the second ground to the right, an old willow with but few leaves, and almost despoiled of it's verdure (Wouvermans)|A Landscape, Cattle and Figures, View from Nature the drawing of this picture was but a few years ago, in the possession of a merchant at Amsterdam, where a friend of our's saw it ... We see in this, detached from a warm, silvery and transparent sky, a small house covered with thatch, built on an eminence, and surrounded with trees; a gentleman is near, wrapped in a cloak, and mounted on a fine horse; his servant who rides a white one, upon which is a red saddle, is dismounted, and giving him to eat, out of a basket. On this side, is a man dressed in brown and blue, with a red bonnet on his head; he appears fatigued and reposes himself extended on the ground; a little farther, to the left, a cascade is seen, and on the second ground to the right, an old willow with but few leaves, and almost despoiled of it's verdure]] réalisée par Wouvermans, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 220.10 £. [62]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Four Seasons, in 4 Pictures The first represents the spring, under the figure of a gardener, who is carrying in a pot of earth, an orange tree in flower; at a distance is seen a building in a parterre, where other gardeners are at work. The second offers us, summer under the figure of a reaper, who holds a scythe; and the distance, a field of corn, where numbers of men and women are gathering in the harvest. The third, to represent autumn, is a man near a few barrels, upon which are some grapes. He is crowned with vine leaves, a bottle of new wine in one hand, and a glass in the other: at a distance is a vineyard, where men are gathering grapes. The fourth, as winter, shews us an old man, suffering from cold in a country where the snow is falling. He is dressed in fur, leaning with one hand, upon his stick, and holding in the other, a foot stove. On one side are men skaiting; and at a distance, a village covered with snow (Teniers)|The Four Seasons, in 4 Pictures The first represents the spring, under the figure of a gardener, who is carrying in a pot of earth, an orange tree in flower; at a distance is seen a building in a parterre, where other gardeners are at work. The second offers us, summer under the figure of a reaper, who holds a scythe; and the distance, a field of corn, where numbers of men and women are gathering in the harvest. The third, to represent autumn, is a man near a few barrels, upon which are some grapes. He is crowned with vine leaves, a bottle of new wine in one hand, and a glass in the other: at a distance is a vineyard, where men are gathering grapes. The fourth, as winter, shews us an old man, suffering from cold in a country where the snow is falling. He is dressed in fur, leaning with one hand, upon his stick, and holding in the other, a foot stove. On one side are men skaiting; and at a distance, a village covered with snow]] réalisée par Teniers, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 17.6 £. [63]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Four Seasons, in 4 Pictures The first represents the spring, under the figure of a gardener, who is carrying in a pot of earth, an orange tree in flower; at a distance is seen a building in a parterre, where other gardeners are at work. The second offers us, summer under the figure of a reaper, who holds a scythe; and the distance, a field of corn, where numbers of men and women are gathering in the harvest. The third, to represent autumn, is a man near a few barrels, upon which are some grapes. He is crowned with vine leaves, a bottle of new wine in one hand, and a glass in the other: at a distance is a vineyard, where men are gathering grapes. The fourth, as winter, shews us an old man, suffering from cold in a country where the snow is falling. He is dressed in fur, leaning with one hand, upon his stick, and holding in the other, a foot stove. On one side are men skaiting; and at a distance, a village covered with snow (Teniers)|The Four Seasons, in 4 Pictures The first represents the spring, under the figure of a gardener, who is carrying in a pot of earth, an orange tree in flower; at a distance is seen a building in a parterre, where other gardeners are at work. The second offers us, summer under the figure of a reaper, who holds a scythe; and the distance, a field of corn, where numbers of men and women are gathering in the harvest. The third, to represent autumn, is a man near a few barrels, upon which are some grapes. He is crowned with vine leaves, a bottle of new wine in one hand, and a glass in the other: at a distance is a vineyard, where men are gathering grapes. The fourth, as winter, shews us an old man, suffering from cold in a country where the snow is falling. He is dressed in fur, leaning with one hand, upon his stick, and holding in the other, a foot stove. On one side are men skaiting; and at a distance, a village covered with snow]] réalisée par Teniers, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 17.6 £. [64]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Four Seasons, in 4 Pictures The first represents the spring, under the figure of a gardener, who is carrying in a pot of earth, an orange tree in flower; at a distance is seen a building in a parterre, where other gardeners are at work. The second offers us, summer under the figure of a reaper, who holds a scythe; and the distance, a field of corn, where numbers of men and women are gathering in the harvest. The third, to represent autumn, is a man near a few barrels, upon which are some grapes. He is crowned with vine leaves, a bottle of new wine in one hand, and a glass in the other: at a distance is a vineyard, where men are gathering grapes. The fourth, as winter, shews us an old man, suffering from cold in a country where the snow is falling. He is dressed in fur, leaning with one hand, upon his stick, and holding in the other, a foot stove. On one side are men skaiting; and at a distance, a village covered with snow (Teniers)|The Four Seasons, in 4 Pictures The first represents the spring, under the figure of a gardener, who is carrying in a pot of earth, an orange tree in flower; at a distance is seen a building in a parterre, where other gardeners are at work. The second offers us, summer under the figure of a reaper, who holds a scythe; and the distance, a field of corn, where numbers of men and women are gathering in the harvest. The third, to represent autumn, is a man near a few barrels, upon which are some grapes. He is crowned with vine leaves, a bottle of new wine in one hand, and a glass in the other: at a distance is a vineyard, where men are gathering grapes. The fourth, as winter, shews us an old man, suffering from cold in a country where the snow is falling. He is dressed in fur, leaning with one hand, upon his stick, and holding in the other, a foot stove. On one side are men skaiting; and at a distance, a village covered with snow]] réalisée par Teniers, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 17.6 £. [65]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Two Landscapes and Figures These two he painted in his youth, for his friend Mr. Dalton, keeper of his Britannic Majesty's pictures...One represents a view in Italy, in the very height of summer. Near the centre is seen a cascade shedding it's water to the right and left; on one side, are some old trees, and two young women, one of whom is standing with a baket in the hand, whilst the other is seated with a child in her arms; on the right a man crosses the water with a herd of cows; and in the second ground, towards the centre, there is a house, near which some women, who have been washing, are hanging linen on lines to dry; buildings, and some other small figures, are also seen in the second ground. The other picture offers the view of another landscape, but in the depth of winter; the principal part is occupied by a river frozen over, upon which are seen several people, some skaiting, others walking, and a sledge drawn by mules. Upon a piece of ground, on the right, a tent is raised in form of an inn, with a sign and standard displayed; within, are people round a table, eating and drinking, and a fire, near which two women are standing, is on one side of the tent, and on the other, some old trees covered with snow, and near which a man is leading two oxen yoked. Again we distinguish on the second ground, to the left, some buildings and trees, and on the right, a village at a remote distance (Zuccarelli)|Two Landscapes and Figures These two he painted in his youth, for his friend Mr. Dalton, keeper of his Britannic Majesty's pictures...One represents a view in Italy, in the very height of summer. Near the centre is seen a cascade shedding it's water to the right and left; on one side, are some old trees, and two young women, one of whom is standing with a baket in the hand, whilst the other is seated with a child in her arms; on the right a man crosses the water with a herd of cows; and in the second ground, towards the centre, there is a house, near which some women, who have been washing, are hanging linen on lines to dry; buildings, and some other small figures, are also seen in the second ground. The other picture offers the view of another landscape, but in the depth of winter; the principal part is occupied by a river frozen over, upon which are seen several people, some skaiting, others walking, and a sledge drawn by mules. Upon a piece of ground, on the right, a tent is raised in form of an inn, with a sign and standard displayed; within, are people round a table, eating and drinking, and a fire, near which two women are standing, is on one side of the tent, and on the other, some old trees covered with snow, and near which a man is leading two oxen yoked. Again we distinguish on the second ground, to the left, some buildings and trees, and on the right, a village at a remote distance]] réalisée par Zuccarelli, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 27.6 £. [66]
  • 1802.03.17/ maison de ventes : Skinner and Dyke. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Two Sea Pieces small ... One of these, is a sea view, in a perfect calm, in which some frigates and other vessels, are finely contrasted with a brilliant silvery sky. The other represents a storm, where the restless billows are beating a ship against a rock, with destructive violence; a lowering sky adds to the horror of the scene (W. Vandervelde)|Two Sea Pieces small ... One of these, is a sea view, in a perfect calm, in which some frigates and other vessels, are finely contrasted with a brilliant silvery sky. The other represents a storm, where the restless billows are beating a ship against a rock, with destructive violence; a lowering sky adds to the horror of the scene]] réalisée par W. Vandervelde, vendue par [[[Noel Desenfans]]] au prix de 18.18 £. [67]