Ventes d'œuvres le 1815.04.15

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  • 1815.04.15/ maison de ventes : Squibb (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Portrait of one of the Cornaro Family, highly descriptive of ease and dignity. -- Unquestionable works of this master, like the present specimen, and coming from such an undoubted source, are rarely to be met with, and are highly valued -- from the Orleans collection (Titian)|A Portrait of one of the Cornaro Family, highly descriptive of ease and dignity. -- Unquestionable works of this master, like the present specimen, and coming from such an undoubted source, are rarely to be met with, and are highly valued -- from the Orleans collection]] réalisée par Titian, vendue par Edward Coxe, achetée par [[N[orton]]] au prix de 11.0 £. [38]
  • 1815.04.15/ maison de ventes : Squibb (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Angels appearing to Abraham. -- The countenance of the Patriarch, whose figure is reverently inclined, is finely conceived, and admirably expressive of devotion and gratitude to heaven. The Angels are painted with great sweetness of pencilling, and the whole is finely coloured -- from the Orleans collection (A. Veronese)|The Angels appearing to Abraham. -- The countenance of the Patriarch, whose figure is reverently inclined, is finely conceived, and admirably expressive of devotion and gratitude to heaven. The Angels are painted with great sweetness of pencilling, and the whole is finely coloured -- from the Orleans collection]] réalisée par A. Veronese, vendue par Edward Coxe au prix de 23.2 £. [40]
  • 1815.04.15/ maison de ventes : Squibb (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape enriched with a Castle. -- In the fore-ground are represented Nymphs bathing in a stream that runs through a woody dell. This splendid proof of Titian's powers would alone add celebrity to any collection. It was a favourite landscape of Sir Joshua Reynolds, and purchased by the late proprietor at his sale (Titian)|A Landscape enriched with a Castle. -- In the fore-ground are represented Nymphs bathing in a stream that runs through a woody dell. This splendid proof of Titian's powers would alone add celebrity to any collection. It was a favourite landscape of Sir Joshua Reynolds, and purchased by the late proprietor at his sale]] réalisée par Titian, vendue par Edward Coxe, achetée par Hume au prix de 85.1 £. [42]
  • 1815.04.15/ maison de ventes : Squibb (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Landscape -- Evening -- beautifully composed, and enriched with Classic Figures appropriately introduced, representing a Satyr and Wood Nymph, with their Offspring riding on a Goat, all of them penetrating the recesses of the forest, while another Satyr who precedes them is entering a cavern, their supposed habitation. This admirable performance was formerly in the collection of Sir Joshua Reynolds -- most capital (N. Poussin)|A Landscape -- Evening -- beautifully composed, and enriched with Classic Figures appropriately introduced, representing a Satyr and Wood Nymph, with their Offspring riding on a Goat, all of them penetrating the recesses of the forest, while another Satyr who precedes them is entering a cavern, their supposed habitation. This admirable performance was formerly in the collection of Sir Joshua Reynolds -- most capital]] réalisée par N. Poussin, vendue par Edward Coxe au prix de 53.11 £. [43]
  • 1815.04.15/ maison de ventes : Squibb (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Coronation of the Emperor Charlemagne by Pope Leo the Third; the finished sketch for the large picture painted by Raphael's scholars in the last room of the Vatican. -- This rare and interesting work was purchased by the late Sir William Hamilton from a noble family in Spain, and was ever considered as the original design of this immortal painter (Raphael)|The Coronation of the Emperor Charlemagne by Pope Leo the Third; the finished sketch for the large picture painted by Raphael's scholars in the last room of the Vatican. -- This rare and interesting work was purchased by the late Sir William Hamilton from a noble family in Spain, and was ever considered as the original design of this immortal painter]] réalisée par Raphael, vendue par Edward Coxe, achetée par Dr Currie au prix de 23.2 £. [46]
  • 1815.04.15/ maison de ventes : Squibb (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A noble Landscape, a View of the Campagna near Rome. -- In a rich and highly coloured foreground is a reposo; in the middle distance the convent of San Lorenzo, with the Sabine and Alban hills terminating the scene -- formerly in the Delmé collection (G. Poussin)|A noble Landscape, a View of the Campagna near Rome. -- In a rich and highly coloured foreground is a reposo; in the middle distance the convent of San Lorenzo, with the Sabine and Alban hills terminating the scene -- formerly in the Delmé collection]] réalisée par G. Poussin, vendue par Edward Coxe au prix de 49.7 £. [48]
  • 1815.04.15/ maison de ventes : Squibb (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Virgin with the Infant Saviour in the Clouds, with St. Lawrence, St. Cecilia, and other attendant Saints. -- A beautiful and highly finished cabinet picture, presented to the late Sir William Hamilton by the family for whose ancestors it was painted (Guido)|The Virgin with the Infant Saviour in the Clouds, with St. Lawrence, St. Cecilia, and other attendant Saints. -- A beautiful and highly finished cabinet picture, presented to the late Sir William Hamilton by the family for whose ancestors it was painted]] réalisée par Guido, vendue par Edward Coxe, achetée par [[R[utley]]] au prix de 29.8 £. [49]
  • 1815.04.15/ maison de ventes : Squibb (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[The Good Samaritan. -- This exquisite bijou, equal, if not superior to the finest works of Gerard Dow, contains in miniature all the wonderful force and magic of his largest pictures, yet with a delicacy of pencilling rarely equalled. It was formerly in the collection of the Duc de Choiseul Praslins, and subsequently in that of Mons. de Calonne, at whose sale it was purchased (Rembrandt)|The Good Samaritan. -- This exquisite bijou, equal, if not superior to the finest works of Gerard Dow, contains in miniature all the wonderful force and magic of his largest pictures, yet with a delicacy of pencilling rarely equalled. It was formerly in the collection of the Duc de Choiseul Praslins, and subsequently in that of Mons. de Calonne, at whose sale it was purchased]] réalisée par Rembrandt, vendue par Edward Coxe, achetée par Ld Yarmouth au prix de 147.0 £. [50]
  • 1815.04.15/ maison de ventes : Squibb (George). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Jupiter and Leda, from the celebrated basso relievo of the same size by M. Angelo -- Deschamps, speaking of this extraordinary performance, says, it was purchased from the painter by the Duc de la Force at 12,000 livres; but this nobleman having ruined himself in the Mississippi scheme, it was returned into Arlaud's possession, who afterwards sold it to the Duke of Chandos, as appears in the Duke's hand-writing at the back of the picture, for £500. It subsequently came into the collection of the Earl of Besborough, at whose sale it was purchased by the late proprietor (Arlaud)|Jupiter and Leda, from the celebrated basso relievo of the same size by M. Angelo -- Deschamps, speaking of this extraordinary performance, says, it was purchased from the painter by the Duc de la Force at 12,000 livres; but this nobleman having ruined himself in the Mississippi scheme, it was returned into Arlaud's possession, who afterwards sold it to the Duke of Chandos, as appears in the Duke's hand-writing at the back of the picture, for £500. It subsequently came into the collection of the Earl of Besborough, at whose sale it was purchased by the late proprietor]] réalisée par Arlaud, vendue par Edward Coxe, achetée par Ld Yarmouth au prix de 44.2 £. [51]