Ventes d'œuvres le 1819.08.18
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- 1819.08.18/ maison de ventes : Broster (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme Henry VII. on pannal, back part of the portrait broke and lost, 23 in. robe rich with Ermine, &c. stated by tradition to have occupied the rooms in Ruthin Castle, and were removed previous to its destruction by Cromwell réalisée par un.e artiste anonyme, vendue par [[[Rev Roger Butler Clough?]]]. [1]
- 1819.08.18/ maison de ventes : Broster (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme Henry VIII. in same state, full face with the collar, &c. stated by tradition to have occupied the rooms in Ruthin Castle, and were removed previous to its destruction by Cromwell réalisée par un.e artiste anonyme, vendue par [[[Rev Roger Butler Clough?]]]. [2]
- 1819.08.18/ maison de ventes : Broster (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[James I. on pannel, with order of the Garter, hat and jewels, 2 ft. 1 in. by 1 ft. 6 in. in rich ancient carved frame, in fine state stated by tradition to have occupied the rooms in Ruthin Castle, and were removed previous to its destruction by Cromwell (artiste anonyme)|James I. on pannel, with order of the Garter, hat and jewels, 2 ft. 1 in. by 1 ft. 6 in. in rich ancient carved frame, in fine state stated by tradition to have occupied the rooms in Ruthin Castle, and were removed previous to its destruction by Cromwell]] réalisée par un.e artiste anonyme, vendue par [[[Rev Roger Butler Clough?]]]. [3]
- 1819.08.18/ maison de ventes : Broster (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Sir James Dyer, Chief Justice, in scarlet robe, collar and legal cap, on pannel, with arms and following inscription stated by tradition to have occupied the rooms in Ruthin Castle, and were removed previous to its destruction by Cromwell (artiste anonyme)|Sir James Dyer, Chief Justice, in scarlet robe, collar and legal cap, on pannel, with arms and following inscription stated by tradition to have occupied the rooms in Ruthin Castle, and were removed previous to its destruction by Cromwell]] réalisée par un.e artiste anonyme, vendue par [[[Rev Roger Butler Clough?]]]. [4]
- 1819.08.18/ maison de ventes : Broster (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[Lord Treasurer Burleigh. with staff, orders and hat with jewels, on pannel, 23 in. back part of the portrait broke and lost stated by tradition to have occupied the rooms in Ruthin Castle, and were removed previous to its destruction by Cromwell (artiste anonyme)|Lord Treasurer Burleigh. with staff, orders and hat with jewels, on pannel, 23 in. back part of the portrait broke and lost stated by tradition to have occupied the rooms in Ruthin Castle, and were removed previous to its destruction by Cromwell]] réalisée par un.e artiste anonyme, vendue par [[[Rev Roger Butler Clough?]]]. [5]
- 1819.08.18/ maison de ventes : Broster (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme Earl of Essex, own hair and ruff, perfect stated by tradition to have occupied the rooms in Ruthin Castle, and were removed previous to its destruction by Cromwell réalisée par un.e artiste anonyme, vendue par [[[Rev Roger Butler Clough?]]]. [6]
- 1819.08.18/ maison de ventes : Broster (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme Portrait of a Bishop, on pannel stated by tradition to have occupied the rooms in Ruthin Castle, and were removed previous to its destruction by Cromwell réalisée par un.e artiste anonyme, vendue par [[[Rev Roger Butler Clough?]]]. [7]
- 1819.08.18/ maison de ventes : Broster (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme Portrait of a Gentleman, in white velvet dress, on pannel stated by tradition to have occupied the rooms in Ruthin Castle, and were removed previous to its destruction by Cromwell réalisée par un.e artiste anonyme, vendue par [[[Rev Roger Butler Clough?]]]. [8]
- 1819.08.18/ maison de ventes : Broster (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme Portrait of ditto a Gentleman on pannel, Fletcher, the Dramatist stated by tradition to have occupied the rooms in Ruthin Castle, and were removed previous to its destruction by Cromwell réalisée par un.e artiste anonyme, vendue par [[[Rev Roger Butler Clough?]]]. [9]
- 1819.08.18/ maison de ventes : Broster (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme Portrait of ditto a Gentleman, ditto on pannel, Beaumont ditto the Dramatist stated by tradition to have occupied the rooms in Ruthin Castle, and were removed previous to its destruction by Cromwell réalisée par un.e artiste anonyme, vendue par [[[Rev Roger Butler Clough?]]]. [10]
- 1819.08.18/ maison de ventes : Broster (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme Portrait in time of Charles 1st. stated by tradition to have occupied the rooms in Ruthin Castle, and were removed previous to its destruction by Cromwell réalisée par Vandyke, vendue par [[[Rev Roger Butler Clough?]]]. [11]
- 1819.08.18/ maison de ventes : Broster (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme Portrait of Erasmus, on pannel, by Holbein, 24 in. by 13. Inscription in Latin and Dutch, viz. stated by tradition to have occupied the rooms in Ruthin Castle, and were removed previous to its destruction by Cromwell réalisée par Holbein, vendue par [[[Rev Roger Butler Clough?]]]. [12]
- 1819.08.18/ maison de ventes : Broster (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[A Group of Portraits, on one pannel, 24 in. by 30, Melancthon, Luther, and Poemeranus, by Holbein. stated by tradition to have occupied the rooms in Ruthin Castle, and were removed previous to its destruction by Cromwell: Upon the opinion of those competent, there is no doubt but the Reformers were painted by Hans Holbein for his patron Erasmus (Holbein)|A Group of Portraits, on one pannel, 24 in. by 30, Melancthon, Luther, and Poemeranus, by Holbein. stated by tradition to have occupied the rooms in Ruthin Castle, and were removed previous to its destruction by Cromwell: Upon the opinion of those competent, there is no doubt but the Reformers were painted by Hans Holbein for his patron Erasmus]] réalisée par Holbein, vendue par [[[Rev Roger Butler Clough?]]]. [13]
- 1819.08.18/ maison de ventes : Broster (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme Portrait of Agricola, on pannel stated by tradition to have occupied the rooms in Ruthin Castle, and were removed previous to its destruction by Cromwell réalisée par Holbein, vendue par [[[Rev Roger Butler Clough?]]]. [14]
- 1819.08.18/ maison de ventes : Broster (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme [[An original Portrait of Dean Swift, 2 ft. by 1 ft. 10 in. A very fine Portrait, certainly by an eminent Artist, and in a fine state of preservation stated by tradition to have occupied the rooms in Ruthin Castle, and were removed previous to its destruction by Cromwell (artiste anonyme)|An original Portrait of Dean Swift, 2 ft. by 1 ft. 10 in. A very fine Portrait, certainly by an eminent Artist, and in a fine state of preservation stated by tradition to have occupied the rooms in Ruthin Castle, and were removed previous to its destruction by Cromwell]] réalisée par un.e artiste anonyme, vendue par [[[Rev Roger Butler Clough?]]]. [15]
- 1819.08.18/ maison de ventes : Broster (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme Prince Rupert, in Armour, by Vandyke, three quarters length stated by tradition to have occupied the rooms in Ruthin Castle, and were removed previous to its destruction by Cromwell réalisée par Vandyke, vendue par [[[Rev Roger Butler Clough?]]]. [16]
- 1819.08.18/ maison de ventes : Broster (John). Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme An original Portrait of Lord Coventry in his robes, as Lord Chancellor stated by tradition to have occupied the rooms in Ruthin Castle, and were removed previous to its destruction by Cromwell réalisée par un.e artiste anonyme, vendue par [[[Rev Roger Butler Clough?]]]. [17]