Villiage Merry-making, exterior -- copy; and Hobbema, -- a Woody Landscape, with Cottages and Figures, after The first 84 Lots in this Catalogue are the Property of Mr. Frederick Benjamin King, and are sold by Order of his Assignees. (Hobbema)
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Type : Peinture. (Wikidata : Q3305213)
- 1830.06.05/ maison de ventes : Christie's. Vente de l'œuvre décrite comme Villiage Merry-making, exterior -- copy; and Hobbema, -- a Woody Landscape, with Cottages and Figures, after The first 84 Lots in this Catalogue are the Property of Mr. Frederick Benjamin King, and are sold by Order of his Assignees. réalisée par Hobbema, vendue par Frederick Benjamin King, achetée par Pinney au prix de 7.7 £. [1]